20+ Simple Hangar Homes are Unique

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As a pilot, a lot surely wanting to have their hangar within reach of their house. That is why you might want to build simple hangar homes that actually very unique. Not only you will have the hangar within reach, you can also step into the runway right away whenever you want.

The best thing is the home which connected directly to the hangar which make it very unique feature that ordinary home does not have. However, when you decide to build this house, you should not disregard the home part of the building since you surely still want to have beautiful home even though it is connected to a hangar.

Thus, before you decide to build this house, then first you need to consider types of facilities you want to have inside the simple hangar homes. For example, besides the hangar and home, you might want to have warehouse area, office, shop, utilities and many others. Those facilities will surely affect the layout of the house that you will build.

Besides the facilities you should also decide the size of each facilities that you want to create. Especially for the hangar as it is the main part of the house which you use to store the aircraft. Use the size, type and many others to decide the size of your hangar.

Next is to plan on the layout of your home part of the hangar. You can try to combine the home and the office part as once large area which separated by walls. Then you need to decide the layout of the home such as how many bedrooms to have, basic things such as bathroom and kitchen should also available. Of course, you want the homes to appear beautiful at the same time. If that is the case, then you can check out these simple hangar homes that you can use as inspiration.

image source : pinterest.com


Kenia Sase