95+ Handsome Glass Houses Architecture Ideas

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Having a dream house is most everyone dreams. The development of architecture itself make many ideas popped up and give many choices on building a house that many people dream about. One of the new architecture ideas is a glass house.

The use of huge glass could give a simple concept yet elegant in a house. With using this design, you don't have to be concerned about any ornament on a wall such as the color, the exact wallpaper motive or another decoration on a wall. It’s because the use of huge glass is dominating a room that can make the decoration in a house isn’t that necessary.

A glass house design could give close with nature vibe for the owner of the house. A glass house with the window that has huge size could make the sun shine goes easily straight to any room so it could make the house brighter and could reduce the electricity usage in the day. The glass that used better be a clear or transparent so you can see the scenery from inside of the house.

Since it’s a glass house, it’s important to see the location of where the building made, because all of the building that dominantly made from the glass and it would make a private and exclusive impression. So, it will be great if this glass house could be built near the beach of mountain then you can see the scenery more beautiful than if the house just located in a boring place, such as usual neighborhood.

However, if it is hard to find a good location, it doesn't mean you can’t have privacy. You can use curtains to make a privacy at your house. The use of neutral curtain such as neutral or grey and cream colors will be much better than striking color for curtain in your glass house.

Beside the use of curtain for privacy, you can use a glass model that can see outside of the house but people can’t see what is inside of your house from outside of your house. This type of glass is suitable if you want to have more privacy so your activity at your house won't be seen by anyone but you still get enough lighting, also you can still see the scenery from the outside without being blocked by anything.

One of other good architecture ideas for glass house is the use of match-making between wood and glass for create a house that make harmony with the nature. This blend will make a great combination. The use of the furniture with modern design and neutral colour could make your house more cool and elegant.

Those are architecture ideas for glass house. Make sure you choose the best house design as what you want and consider on the location for better result. Good luck!

image source : pinterest.com


Kenia Sase