80 Minimalist Apartment Studio Decorating Ideas

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A studio apartment is known for its limited space and lack of separators, but if you can discover the best apartment studio decorating ideas, you can transform this drawback into a decorating asset for your advantages. There are 80 minimalist apartment studio decorating ideas that can help you transform your tiny apartment into a comfortable haven.

Of all design styles for a living space, minimalist apartment studio decorating ideas are often regarded as the best for a studio apartment. There are reasons for that. A minimalist design is always space-saving and anything that saves space is considered essential for a studio apartment design. You want to make sure that every inch of your apartment space is functional.

Another reason to use a minimalist design is that it creates a clean and airy atmosphere. Minimalist design focuses on the clean and sleek look without using any unnecessary clutters. In a small studio apartment, unnecessary clutters are disasters, so you want to avoid them by embracing a minimalist design.

Another great thing about the minimalist apartment studio decorating ideas is that they promote the use of low-profile furniture pieces instead of the bulky ones. Small bar stools for a dining place are often preferred than the bulkier dining chairs. The dining table that accompanies the stools may have a sliding mechanism so that it can be concealed in the wall or cupboard when not used. The space-saving feature of a minimalist apartment design can be as extreme as you want, but it will never reduce the aesthetics and comfort elements of your apartment.

Almost every piece of furniture proposed by the minimalist apartment studio decorating ideas has multiple purposes. A bed platform that doubles as drawers or a table, a foldable bed platform or table that turns into a wall when not used, and a pegboard hanger with removable pegs when a clean wall is desired is everything that you will frequently see in a minimalist studio apartment. With this design philosophy, you can do in your small apartment almost everything that you can do in a bigger apartment.

With no separator, privacy often becomes an issue when designing an apartment studio. And almost all minimalist apartment studio decorating ideas also discourage the use of separators because they cramp the space that is already finished. Fortunately, a minimalist design always has its way to protect your privacy, such as by visually concealing your bed behind a piece of furniture or by using see-through separators that don’t cramp the space.

image source : pinterest.com


Kenia Sase